With extremely high-resistance voltage input for measurement of very small charges (to 10 -9 As) and currents (to 10 -10 A, e.g. ionisation currents).
- Gain: 1
- Input impedance: > 1013 Ω
- Input current: < 0.5 pA
- Input capacitance: < 50 pF
- Overvoltage stability, low resistance
(mains supply unit): 1 kV DC
highly resistive (friction rods): 10 kV DC - Output voltage: up to + 10 V
- Output current: 5 mA (short-circuit proof)
- Output impedance: < 1 Ω
- Supply voltage: 12 V AC
- Dimensions: 11.5 cm x 11.5 cm x 3 cm
- Weight: 0.15 kg