The "electrical protective measures for safety experimental case" (EMS experimental case) has been designed by ELWE according to the specifications of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB) in Berlin.
Special features of the experimental case include:
- All of the experiments are carried out with extra-low voltage SELV. Thus it is possible that even students at general colleges and trainees in the non-electrical trade can safely learn the dangers and the effects of faults in electrotechnical installations and equipment as well as
how to use and inspect electrotechnical protective measures for safety. - The system voltage is reduced from 400/230 V AC to 40/23 V AC so that the measured values can easily be converted to actual system voltage values by using the factor 10.
- Masks with clear prints of circuits and designations vividly show the actual power system with the corresponding protective measures for safety. The sockets that are not required for the actual experiment are covered.
- Since all of the modules, masks and equipment parts (apart from one multimeter) are stored in the case so that only one 230 V power point is required, the setting-up times are fairly short and special furnishings are not required.
Voltage supply: 230 V AC, 50(60) Hz
- Experimental case, Protective Measures for safety
- Set of bridging plugs
- Set of 7 overlay maks